(From left) Ferris State University Heavy Equipment Laboratory Facilities Coordinator
Jeff Sykes, HET Program Coordinator Dan Meyers, Heavy Equipment Associate Professor
Austin Williams and SAF-Holland National Service Manager Tony Ryan gather to examine
one component donated to enhance student learning in this nationally acclaimed program.
(Photo courtesy Jeff Peterson, SAF-Holland)
Ferris State University Heavy Equipment Technology students have modern components on their laboratory floor to examine and train with thanks to a donation from SAF-Holland, a leading international manufacturer of chassis-related assemblies and components for trailers, trucks and buses.
Dan Meyers, the Heavy Equipment Technology program coordinator, said the donation came through outreach from the Muskegon office of the German-based corporation, one of the top three suppliers worldwide in all their product categories.
“SAF-Holland came to us wanting to get involved and help our students’ learning,” Meyers said. “They hope this exposure will enhance their ability to hire graduates from our program.”
The NeWay air suspension unit, a Holland fifth wheel and an SAF axle system with air disc brakes, has a product value of more than $15 thousand. Meyers said this represents a significant opportunity for students.
“The real value is having these components that are available on today’s trucks and trailers on our service bays so that the students can have an enhanced educational experience,” Meyers said. “It is these types of donations from industry partners that allow us to provide some of the best hands-on lab experiences in the country.”
Meyers said the Heavy Equipment Service Engineering Technology program has a variety of full trailers in stock. He added that the SAF-Holland donation is an exciting addition of components for their current classwork and future generations.
“This is much more contemporary equipment than the majority of our stock,” Meyers said. “It is on par with what students would service once they enter the marketplace as professionals.”
He further noted that the components donated by SAF Holland will help in training Heavy Equipment Technology students, in the College of Engineering Technology, in their associate degree studies and those seeking bachelor’s degrees in Heavy Equipment Service Engineering Technology.