1124 S. State Street
Big Rapids, Michigan
(231) 591-3700
U.S. Air Force Eglin Air Force Base
Site 1:96 OMRS/SGXE
307 Boatner Rd. Ste 114
Eglin AFB, FL 32542
Phone: 850-883-9470
Fax: 850-883-1267
Type of Practice:
Military Hospital
Number of MCO Students Per Rotation:
1 Summer
2 Fall
2 Spring
To provide full-scope optometric services to all military beneficiaries; to ensure vision readiness for Eglin's active duty with emphasis on the air crew contact lens program.
To provide optimum training in vision care to externs from Michigan, and Southern Colleges of Optometry.
- Contact Dr. Darrell Grise's office 8 weeks prior to the beginning of your rotation
to verify dates, times, directions, parking, and any other instructions. Regarding
the in-processing paperwork, please contact Mr. Karl Day at 850-883-9419 email karl.p.day.civ@mailmil AND/OR Ms. Sherri Prejean at 850-883-8936 email sherri.l.prejean.civ@mail.mil
Report to the address listed above (Bldg 2830, Room 125) the first day of the rotation for orientation to policies, clinical protocol, administrative procedures, etc. - Housing arrangements: Students have traditionally rotated through a furnished apartment. Please work out lease details with the student and apartment manager before your rotation to ensure a smooth transition.
- A background check is required before your rotation starts. (Please check with Karl Day or Sherri Prejean to see if you still need this)
- VACCINATIONS: Bring a copy of your immunization record to include the completion of HEP B series and tetanus. The TB test is a two-step process and the 1st TB Test must be done within 60 days of arriving at your rotation, the 2nd TB test must be done within 30 days of arrival. They will not administer the test on base, so don't forget these steps.
- A copy of your CURRENT CPR CARD is also required.
- EGLIN AFB contractor access badge AFFIDAVIT must be completed and sent to Karl Day or Sherri Prejean via email FOUR weeks before the first day of your rotation. Be sure to include specific dates of the rotation. Eglin Badge Pass Request Form
- *Arriving without the information and preparations above will delay the start of your rotation. Please call (850) 883-8080 if you have any questions.*
- Canadian students must complete an additional form called the Commercial Visit Request and forwarded to Karl Day. ( Eglin Commercial Visit Request)
Contact Person:
- Dr. Darrell Grise, O.D.
E-Mail: darrell.s.grise.civ@health.mil
Clinical Teaching Faculty:
- Katelin Staley, O.D.
- Darrell Grise, O.D.
Support Staff:
- 5 Optometric Technicians/Assistants
Operating Hours:
M-F, 7:00am-4:00 pm
Hours of direct patient care for extern per day:
6 (30 per week)
Number of patients seen by extern per day:
- To be clinically proficient in all diagnostic techniques.
- To improve the efficiency of an exam and to know when and what to refer.
- To learn patient management skills.
- To formulate differential diagnoses for objective findings and devise treatment plans that correspond to the diagnoses and chief complaint.
- To observe ophthalmic surgeries
PC - Primary Care, CL - Contact Lens, VT - VT Evaluation, LV - LV Evaluation, OD -
Ocular Disease, F/U - F/U to monitor Tx plan, PRE - Pre-op, POST - Post-op, SC - Screening/
total numbers, SU - Surgeries observed
- Not provided by the facility
- Approximate cost: $400-800/mo. (Short term leases scarce; no monthly leases available)
- Falcon House Apts: 1-888-686-1419
- Shalimar Garden Apts: (850) 651-8267
- Villager Apts: (850) 243-0648
- Westwood Apts: (850) 581-2324
- Cayo Grande Apts: (850) 897-5667
- Fort Walton Beach: pop. 50,000 - one mall
- Pensacola nearby: pop. 120,000 - two malls
- Destin: beach resorts, water sports, great weather
- Pensacola offers civic/cultural events
- Psychology
- Neurology
- Rehabilitative Medicine
- Internal Medicine
- Diabetes
- Dispensing Pharmacy
- Family Practice
- Dermatology
- Psychiatry
- Geriatric Medicine
- General Practice Medicine
- Dentistry
- Hypertension
- Clinical Pharmacy
- Ophthalmology
- Computerized Visual Field Analyzer
- Fundus Non-Contact Lenses
- Autorefractor/keratometer
- Direct ophthalmoscope/streak retinoscope in every office
- Fundus Camera
- BIO with condensing lens
- Gonioscopy Lenses
- Trial lens sets in every office
- The clinic is also affiliated with Southern College of Optometry
- Medical reference library available for student use at the hospital
- Internet access available at the hospital
- A formal presentation to the staff on a topic of choice is required
- Informal case presentations or journal reviews with the preceptors is encouraged
- Opportunities available to observe eye surgeries done by staff ophthalmologists
- CD of hospital photos available for review.
- If you have any questions, please contact (231) 591-2187 Dr. Sara Bush, Director of Externships - SaraBush@ferris.edu .