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Summer Internships: Claire Bressler

Ferris State University students gain valuable work experience through internships. Internships also can confirm or redirect career decision-making, provide marketability, develop people skills and enhance classroom learning. Many academic programs require one, but the experience is encouraged regardless to provide students with a better understanding of what will be expected of them in the workplace.

Many students are participating in myriad internships this summer. Meet:

Claire Bressler

Claire Bressler

Claire Bressler

She is: a Sports Communication student from Stillwater, Minnesota, entering her senior year.

Her Internship: Is in sports and event marketing for Ferris’ Ewigleben Sports Complex. “I had an ice marketing internship through Ferris Athletics during the academic year. It is a ‘move up’ to serve in my current capacity. We try to bring a larger audience to events like summer-time Open Skate by seeking sponsorship to fund the admission fees for participants. I help to make those connections and enhance the opportunity.”

Bre’s Future Plans: “I have a career goal of working in public relations for Formula One racing, but I understand I can start in that direction by working with a college or university, a minor league sports franchise or a more professional operation. I am keeping an open mind about opportunities and experiences.”

Advice For Students Seeking Internships: “In my case, contacting the Athletics Department opened a significant opportunity. They want to help students grow, whether by advising us on improving our resumes or taking you on as an intern, based on their available positions.”

Other Campus Activities: Claire serves as social media coordinator for the Sports Careers registered student organization and as vice president of professional development for Ferris’ Public Relations Student Society of America chapter.

Ferris Core Value Claire Relates To: “My experiences have shown me the importance of Collaboration. Our group efforts to address the details of events like ‘Heart to Heart, Hand to Hand’ charity games have really paid off, as they have been great learning opportunities.”