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Summer Internships: Nikolos 'Niko' LaGreca

Ferris State University students gain valuable work experience through internships. Internships also can confirm or redirect career decision-making, provide marketability, develop people skills and enhance classroom learning. Many academic programs require one, but the experience is encouraged regardless to provide students with a better understanding of what will be expected of them in the workplace.

Many students are participating in myriad internships this summer. Meet:

Nikolos 'Niko' LaGreca

Nikolos 'Niko' LaGreca

Nikolos 'Niko' LaGreca

He is: a junior in Surveying Engineering from Dearborn. Niko is interning with Giffels Webster, a Detroit-area consulting firm.

His Internship and Making a Difference: “There are many ways to measure any one thing, but I am still learning on the job. The most important thing that comes to mind is Michigan’s Remonumentation program of the Public Land Survey Section Corners, which were originally set between 1815-1845. I haven’t found any monuments that old, but I have found their positions. I am making a difference as my projects directly benefit the public. Whether that involves buying or selling land, constructing a new building, or paving a new roadway.”

Future Plans: “I plan to continue working in the state’s southeast region, as this is where larger projects exist in Michigan unless something elsewhere really intrigues me. This internship has taught me a great deal about the industry, and I hope the experience leads to gaining a permanent position.”

Advice to Other Students Seeking Internships: “A simple phone call will go farther than any other LinkedIn connection or email. If you see something you want or something you’d like to give a try, just get a phone number, and start calling. Also, demonstrating a strong work ethic is a plus.”

Other Campus Activities: Niko is a member of Student Government, the Sports Careers registered student organization, and the Burt and Mullett Student Chapter of the National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS). “I also work for the Athletic Department serving as a public address announcer for a few of Ferris’ sports.”

Ferris Core Value Niko Relates to: Opportunity. “I have spoken about this on the Bulldog Radio Podcast, and I still believe it is true. Opportunity is everywhere. Being at Ferris allows you to see many opportunities you can access. Opportunity is out there; you just must go out and seize it.”