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Summer Internships: Matthew Chapel

Ferris State University students gain valuable work experience through internships. Internships also can confirm or redirect career decision-making, provide marketability, develop people skills and enhance classroom learning. Many academic programs require one, but the experience is encouraged regardless to provide students with a better understanding of what will be expected of them in the workplace.

Many students are participating in myriad internships this summer. Meet:

Matthew Chapel

Matthew Chapel

Matthew Chapel

He is: a junior from Grand Haven in his second year in Plastics Engineering Technology. Matt’s internship is with Grand Haven Custom Molding.

About the Internship and Making a Difference: “As a process engineer and process technician, I have been given various tasks to learn about plastics and opportunities to learn something new every day. Collaborating with our sales team, machine technicians, process engineers, plant manager, material handlers, and others has been a valuable and informative experience for my future as a plastics engineering major and for myself. This has advanced my understanding of the injection molding/plastic industry, accelerating my abilities with injection molding machines. I also see the importance of every department collaborating as a team to be as efficient and productive as possible. I have identified areas where I need to work as a student at Ferris, along with building strengths as an engineer, and what position within the industry is the best fit for me, moving forward.”

How Did Ferris Help Matthew Secure an Internship? “I followed the advice of Professor Robert Spiers, who emphasized the importance of self-networking, as he believes getting yourself out there will benefit you in the long run. With engaged mentorship for Plastics students in how to self-network, I started looking for summer opportunities and conversing about possible internships with multiple companies, which brought me to where I am today.”

Matthew’s Advice for Students Seeking Internships: “I recommend making a ‘LinkedIn’ profile and talking to as many people as possible, going to the university’s Career and Internship Fairs. Students should keep an open mind for different positions that could work for them and to find something they truly enjoy doing.”

Other Activities on Campus: “I serve on the Board of Directors for Ferris’ Ducks Unlimited chapter. The Ducks Unlimited Club has helped me develop new life-long friendships and allowed me to meet and collaborate with a fantastic group of like-minded guys and girls. We had a service project to install habitat in a nearby State Game Area, which was a great experience.”

Ferris Core Value Matthew Finds Most Significant: Excellence. “Practicing excellence daily has given me great benefits, including self-advocating for a summer internship, listening intentionally while I am in class, which helped me grow into becoming an asset to a company that was interested in what I have to offer, and so much more. The practice of ‘excellence’ will continue to be a way of life that I intend to live by each day because it will never lead you astray from the path to success.”