Student Leadership and Activities Coordinator Amber Balmer has plenty of reasons for
students to participate in the #ProFresh Twitter Extravaganza on Thursday, March 21
at Ferris State University.
“If you like music, are a student leader, want to be a student leader, want to know more about our offices, want a career in music, want to network, get professional tips from industry leaders, love social media, need to practice your social media skills, want to be part of campus programming board Entertainment Unlimited or you just want to know who the headliner for Ferris Fest 2013 is, then you won’t want to miss this event,” Balmer said.
The university’s Student Leadership and Activities (@FerrisSLAOffice) and Career Services (@FerrisCareers) office has partnered with EU (@FerrisEU) and Ferris Fest (@FerrisFest) to host the Twitter chat, the second such social media event this semester.
The entertainment-focused Twitter chat, at 7 p.m. in Interdisciplinary Resource Center Room 107, will feature award-winning singer-songwriter and speaker Jason LeVasseur (@JasonLevasseur).
EU President Melissa Hanson (@MelissaHanson13) also will participate to discuss her experience as a student leader working with the entertainment industry. The headliner for EU’s April 27 Ferris Fest, one of the most popular events on campus, also will be announced.
“Remember, you don’t have to actually show up to participate, you can also tweet along with us from the comfort of your own home,” Balmer said.
However, those who attend will be treated to pizza, refreshments, door prizes and giveaways.
The #ProFresh Twitter Extravaganza series will continue monthly and feature industry leaders in sports communications, public relations, human resources, hotel and restaurant management, engineering, automotive, pharmacy and criminal justice, Balmer said.
“Twitter is so easy for conversations,” she said. “It keeps people focused and on topic because of the (140) character limit and allows people to follow the conversation by using hash tags like #ProFresh.”
For more information, go to March #ProFresh Twitter Chat Extravaganza on Facebook here.