Patient care services are open to the public. Appointments can be made by calling (231) 591-2020.
1124 S. State Street, MCO 101A
Big Rapids MI 49307
(231) 591-2020
(231) 591-3991 (fax)
The Schirmer Test is a special test to measure the quantity of tears that are produced by the eye. This test is usually used in conjunction with other tests and patient symptoms before a diagnosis of dry eye is made. These patients may complain of burning, stinging, tearing, itching or foreign body sensation. This test is performed using a pair of sterile strips, made of special filter paper. The tears are collected over a time period of approximately five minutes. If very little tears are produced (less than 10mm wetting of the strip), then you may have tear deficient dry eye. If you produce enough tears, but still have symptoms of ocular discomfort, then you may have evaporative dry eye.