202 South Street
Big Rapids, MI 49307
(231) 591-2216
[email protected]
The Alumni/ae Advisory Board functions as the executive board of the Honors Alumni/ae Association.
Each member serves a term of three years, with the option to renew for a second 3-year term. Members are appointed to the Board by the Director of the Honors with the recommendation of the many stakeholders and community partners of the Honors Program.
The Honors Program Director ensures that the Board's membership represents a diversity of professions and demographics commensurate with the diversity of the honors program alumni/ae.
The Board meets twice annually: usually near the time of Homecoming in the fall, and at the end of the semester in Spring. When in attendance, members of the Board distribute the Honors Medallions at the senior send-off.
To nominate an extraordinary alumni for a position on the Board, please contact Dr. Bradley.